Episode 97
Can you believe it — half the year is through already?
That means it’s a perfect time to check-in with yourself and see how things are going. I call it a mid-year review.
A mid-year review is a time to form your plan for the next two quarters but also we’re going to look more broadly at your life and business. You might also be pleasantly surprised to look back and see how much you’ve actually gotten done without even thinking about it.
If you’re a regular listener of the show, you might’ve heard me share how to conduct a quarterly review for your business but in this very timely episode, I wanted to share some of the few things that I learned in my own mid-year reflection that you can also take note in your own mid-year review.
- Take note of the things you need to do during your mid-year review, from your business to your own personal goals and growth;
- Learn why planning ahead and breaking down big projects months before can help you lay your detailed plans out before the actual project;
- Why having a mid-year review is important not only to plan the next quarters of the year but also to revisit wins and reflect on how the previous quarters have been, and many more!
Whenever you’re ready, here are ways my team and I can help you grow your business:
- Listen to our previous podcasts about conducting quarterly reviews for your business – Go ahead and check out our previous podcasts about How to Plan Goals for the Quarter, Mid-Year Gameplan, and Mid-Year Review, Mindset Shifts and Failing Forward.
- Enroll for the Organize Your Business Summer Camp – If you think that the POPP system will help you grow your business to the next level, then Organize Your Business is right for you! Organize Your Business is the place where smart, savvy, women go to clean up the embarrassing behind-the-scenes mess that’s holding their business back so they can get organized, make money moves and play bigger. Click here to join, and if you have any questions, reach out to me or my team at [email protected], add the subject line: Organize Your Business, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
- Share the love – if you enjoyed this episode, share this to a girl friend or someone who might benefit from this podcast as well;
- Tag us on Instagram – send a screenshot and mention us on Instagram at @dailysuccessroutine and be featured;
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