Episode 202
Here’s the truth: You don’t want to be the only person wearing all the hats.
Having the right people on your team will not only support client delivery, but it will also give you the space to level up as the leader of your business.
You will start to think ahead and plan further out so you’re not feeling overwhelmed managing clients and daily operations.
My client, Jaimee, needed help with getting organized and managing her team.
💡 She didn’t have streamlined processes in place so she could scale her real estate business.
Then she started working with me inside the 1:1 Private Client Experience.
Now, she…
🔑 Consistently shows up as a leader and sets her team up for success;
🔑 Was able to focus and help more clients by prioritizing her self-care and personal time;
🔑 Got more of her time back by delegating tasks to her team and planning ahead of time.
From being disorganized with her team delegation, Jaimee has grown her business by putting a solid team in place and taking daily actions to show up for her clients.
Episodes mentioned:
🌟 EP 71 Developing a Breadwinning Mindset with Natalee Facey
🌟 EP 91 Replace Your Salary in Six Months with Candice Wilson McCain
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