Episode 186
Who we have in our love life impacts a lot of areas in our lives, especially our business.
For this week’s Breadwinning Business Women episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes to a retreat that we had for our mastermind members, where I invited my sweetheart to have a male perspective of what is it like dating a breadwinning businesswoman that is continuously trying to level up in her business.
I’m going to share how romantic relationships impact our revenue and that as women, we should be thinking about who we connect ourselves with because it will inevitably impact the bottomline of your business.
We’ll be sharing …
🔑 How traditional and societal roles in a relationship affects your role as an entrepreneur and how to obliterate it;
🔑 Why communication is always the key in creating choices in respect to love and romance and building your partnership at the same time;
🔑 What values do you and your partner have and if those values are aligned, and many more.
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3 Steps to Pay Yourself a Full-time Salary from Your Business: How to earn more in your business than you made in your job using the power of a sales system.
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