Episode 175
The challenge that we face right now is that 88% of women business owners are making less than $100,000.
Typically in a business, you need to make at least double what you plan to pay yourself.
This means that women are hustling hard, managing families PLUS volunteering in networking groups that they believe will create access to their clients … and they are still not achieving the financial results that match their level of effort.
Your breakthrough is not in doing MORE. It’s in doing the RIGHT things, but more importantly, it’s about who you need to be.
If you want to earn consistent $10k months, you have to start operating from that place.
In this week’s episode of Breadwinning Women podcast, I am joined by Angela Morrison, CEO of Angie’s At Your Service Virtual Assistance and Breadwinners Mastermind member where we talked about how she built her business to reach $10k months. We also talked about …
🔑 Why having accountability support helped her to focus on the growth of her business;
🔑 How she trained and coached her team to set them up for success;
🔑 The mindset and business shifts she did to help her clients create results in a powerful way, and more
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👉🏾 If you’re ready to get the strategy, coaching, and accountability that you need to believe bigger in yourself and your business like Angela, work with me inside my program, Breadwinners.
Breadwinners is a 6-month Mastermind for packaging your offer, attracting high-end clients, and turning your service into a six-figure business.
We master sales, online marketing, a money mindset, and building a profitable business model.
The program includes a private member portal, 6 months of access to weekly coaching, and a network of women growing to six figures.
Check out Breadwinners Mastermind here and book a call with me to learn more.
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